Words packed with meaning

Words packed with meaning

High performance culture

Learn About Our Values

We innovate for the future

We lead the change to a more sustainable mobility. We develop the technology of the future.

We care for our people

We promote the right development environments for our people.We respect diversity and promote equality.

We move towards excellence

We surpass the expectations as trusted partner.
We are proactive and agile to fly higher.

We operate with integrity

Respect and honesty guide our actions. Our ethics inspire our trip to a better society.

More than words

Learn About Our Behaviours

More than words

Learn About Our Behaviours

Trustworthy, we are consistent and respect rules and people. We deliver on our commitments.
Each person brings their unique talents to the team to achieve great goals together.
We act quickly, we are decisive, we set priorities and we keep ahead of the curve.
We innovate fearlessly, embrace risk and take resolute action.


and win an ITP Aero merchandise pack.

Film* a 30 second video with your mobile phone explaining how you apply one of our behaviours in your day-to-day work and send it to:

* Please do not record videos in areas where using mobile phones is not allowed or where children are present.


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